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"The perfect music to slay orcs to or nod your head in tempo before an open swirling vortex of violence."

- Bandcamp Review

NIGHT MOTHER emerged from the darkness of a dingy basement in Peoria, IL in 2016. Originally formed as a heavy doom metal duo featuring Andrew Fitzanko on guitars and vocals, and Joseph Vassallo on drums and vocals. They relentlessly honed their craft in the depths of Peoria's infamous bat cave, where many of the best music to come out of this area once called home.


After being bound to their dark sanctuary they finally made their presence known around the Central IL area by opening for acts such as WEEDEATER, MINSK, TOKE and TELEKINETIC YETI among many others.


In the midst of chaos, they released their self recorded and produced EP "SACRAMENT" in April 2020. This EP was a nod to their love of fantasy, with a focus on what dwelled in the shadows of those realms, and using those demons to confront the darkness in our own lives, and meet it head on.


NIGHT MOTHER began working on their sophomore album in fall 2021, and soon realized their aspirations were larger than they were as two. So enters Seth Kehres, bringing extra ambience via guitar and synth, as well as a third vocal layer. Their sound is a cacophony of crushing heavy riffs and beautiful ambience creating a pummeling wall of sound befitting the deepest and darkest parts of fantasy. Pulling inspiration from works of fantasy, like that of J.R.R. Tolkien, Dungeons & Dragons and the Elder Scrolls series .


NIGHT MOTHER was featured amongst the best doom metal bands in Illinois in January 2023 via "Trip to illinois", a doom and stoner compilation by the doom news page WEEDIAN. the group is currently working hard on their sophomore release coming in summer 2023 with shows and tour to follow. 

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